Saturday, 30 May 2009


Cancer ? Prevent with the tomato

tomato is rich in vitamin C, you surely already understand. But if the tomato is able to prevent cancer, it may be many who know them. Tomatoes contain more lycopene. Similar pigment that makes tomatoes red. Trusted and powerful combat cancer cells in the body. if you are diligent to consume tomatoes (in the form of fresh) you can be protected from the risk of cancer is exposed to tuberculosis, breast, uterus cancer, and so forth.

A red spot that chapfallen

Have been diligent to clean the face, but still only pimple appears. Make sure of sorts, is not it? Want to know why? Read the following.

Whelk is one of the most common skin problems and often disrupt. Not only the skin is not so comfortable because of soreness, but it can also make your face look so good in the less see.
Even when the pimple suffered severe enough, can be used flek leaving black or pocked skin and looks like grated board. Show, will have to have a minder when the faces are not like that.
Basically pimple appears the oil gland due to the channel is closed and then infected with bacteria propionibacterium acnes. And there the process of inflation, or inflammation, so the pimple appears. While a pustule and then appear, whether it is small without inflammation (komedo), which inflame and fester on the peak, until the seeds of maize, commonly known as pimple or stones (cystic acne), basically have the same cause. Only keparahannya a different level. And the level of illness is caused by a variety of backgrounds.

1. Until the powder from the hormonal
There was a pimple, in general, caused by a number of factors, among others, due to the sumbatan, minya excess production, or bacterial infection. However, several other conditions also can trigger the occurrence of whelk. Particularly highly related to body condition and the treatment of facial skin.
The offspring, the genetic opportunities can be derived through the pustular nature genes that affect the skin so that the increase likely occurred whelk.
For example, a skin oil gland overaktif regeneration ability and the difference is not normal skin. Regeneration dead skin cells on the pore-pore. This condition certainly increase the possibility of a stoppage in the oil channel gland and skin inflammation, because the activity of bacteria like piles of fat.
In addition to descendants, hormonal factors can also trigger pimple. The increased hormonal activity, such as in the menstruasi or enter pubertas age, making skin oil gland becomes overaktif.

To Be continued


Cancer can attack anyone, men, women, adults and children. Even the fetus is still inside the womb can be affected by any cancer. According to international figures of the 110-130 million children suffering from cancer.

One suspected cause is a misuse of cell growth due to defective genes. Defects in the cell causes cell growth so deviate.

The influence of the environment interact (ekogenetik factors) and various congenital defects or deviation is also suspected to increase risk of cancer involved in the child. Another factor is the possibility prakonseps. This can occur in mothers who have high risk, for example, work on the area signal radiation.

Symptoms of cancer in children and infants known to be more difficult, because children can not feel the complaint or told.

leukimia is a type of blood cancer that most often found in children's expectations have anak.leukimia recover with appropriate treatment and correct. There are a few symptoms on leukimia namely, face pale, listless, weak, fever is not clear is why, bleeding is not clear is why, bone pain and stomach swelling.